At Hundred & Four, we are a team of starters building a platform we believe in. The majority of our team members have experience starting their own venture, so we understand the countless hurdles on a Founders' path towards doing what they actually really care about—creating.
Open roles
We are looking for talented and diverse individuals who have a passion for creating unique startup experiences.
Looks like there aren't any roles open at the moment.
If you have experience self-starting and want to join the team, we still want to hear from you—come say hi and send your resume to careers@hundredandfour.com.
If you have experience self-starting and want to join the team, we still want to hear from you—come say hi and send your resume to careers@hundredandfour.com.
Our values
Defining and redefining values is a journey with no destination, just like creating. As we evolve with our creators, we define ourselves by our actions and the progressive impact they leave—no matter how little.
Define. Define your ambition. Define your mission. Define your goal. Define your impact.
Question. Challenge the status quo, whoever set it.
Act. Let acts be your language. They're not just part of a play.
Redefine. Ignore the above and do what is right.